How do I search for a nonprofit?

Registration for South Dakota Day of Giving 2020 begins in August 2020. The full list will be available in October 2020.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the charity I wish to support? 

The best people to talk about charity you are most interested are the people who work for that organization. We recommend you call them to get your questions answered. Our friends at GuideStar also publish some great information about nonprofit organizations that you can dig into. Search for them online here: http://www.guidestar.org.

Why should I donate on South Dakota Day of Giving?

South Dakota nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organizations all across our state—no matter how large or small they are or where they are located—have the chance to win prizes and receive other important support based on their participation, and yours, on South Dakota Day of Giving. When you make a gift on South Dakota Day of Giving, you not only improve their chances of winning prize money—but also contribute to a statewide philanthropic effort that can transform our great state.

South Dakota Day of Giving is also a great day to encourage your friends and family to become involved with the causes you care about. Ask them to join you in supporting a nonprofit on South Dakota Day of Giving.

Can I specify how charities use my donation?

That’s a question for the nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organizations you want to support. In many instances, nonprofits are open to restricting your gift to the area of their work you most want to support.

Are donations safe and secure?

All gifts made on South Dakota Day of Giving are made directly to the nonprofit organization you want to support. If you have questions about the security of your donation, please reach out to the nonprofit to which you are considering making a gift.

How much of my donation is received by the nonprofit?

100%. All of it. Not a penny or nickel or dime goes to anyone or anything but the nonprofit organization you make a gift to. South Dakota Gives is completely and utterly free for organizations to participate.

Can I use my employers matching gift program?

Hip-hip-hooray for matching gift programs. They are seriously the best. Talk to your employer before you make a gift, or immediately following your gift, to get familiar with the processes and requirements of your matching gift program. There’s nothing sweeter than doubling your money for a cause that matters to you!

Can I schedule my gift to be made on South Dakota Day of Giving?

Some nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organizations have the ability to schedule gifts in advance of South Dakota Day of Giving. If you’re going to be super busy on next years Giving Day, or say, in Tahiti drinking a frozen drink with an umbrella, check with the organizations you are considering supporting and ask if they have the capability.

Can I get a copy of my receipt?

Absolutely... from the nonprofit 501 (c)(3)organization you make a gift to directly. The organizations you choose to support will be responsible for sending you a receipt for your gift. If you have any trouble receiving one, reach out to them through the information provided on their profile.