Ways to Earn Prize Money

Prizes from the South Dakota Prize Pool will be awarded in the weeks leading up to—and the day of—South Dakota Day of Giving on #GivingTuesday, DEC 1, 2020.


Nonprofits in the state of South Dakota registered to participate in South Dakota Day of Giving are eligible for the prizes.

Prizes to be awarded randomly before South Dakota Day of Giving

  1. Golden Ticket Awards: At random periods between October 21 and November 30, the South Dakota Gives Golden Ticket period will be announced on our social media pages Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. During that period, individuals or nonprofits who reply to the post and use #ForSouthDakota will be eligible to randomly win a prize for the registered nonprofit of their choosing.

  2. Platinum Ticket Award: At a random 15-minute period of time (already determined) between October 21 and November 30, we’ll go to our Twitter feed and see who tweeted using #ForSouthDakota and @forsouthdakota in their post. If a registered nonprofit tweeted during that period using #ForSouthDakota, they are eligible to be randomly selected to win.

  3. 100 percent! On Facebook or Twitter or by email, celebrate the fact that 100 percent of nonprofit board members pledged to support the organization they serve on South Dakota Day of Giving with a financial gift. Nonprofits post the following after they have the full commitment of their board: “Wahoo! All of our board members have pledged to make a gift to us on South Dakota Day of Giving. Will you join us?” (They must tag #forsouthdakota @forsouthdakota and include a link to their profile on the South Dakota Gives website). One organization will randomly receive a match of their board member’s commitments—up to $5,000.

Prizes to be awarded the week of November 23

  • We want to see nonprofits thank their donors. For this challenge we ask to see their Thanks for Giving emails! This is the week of Thanksgiving, and the perfect time to thank donors for supporting organizations throughout the year. It’s also a perfect reminder them they can support nonprofits on South Dakota Day of Giving. Nonprofits must include hello@southdakotagives.org on an email they send to their donors to thank them for supporting. We’ll take all of the emails we receive between November 23-27 and award one registered nonprofit a prize on Monday, November 30.

Prizes to be awarded on #GivingTuesday, December 1

Use #forsouthdakota and @forsouthdakota in all of posts to be eligible.

  • 12 midnight-2am mountain time: Post a photo and let us know what your registered nonprofit is doing at this hour, and include a link to your South Dakota Gives profile. One nonprofit randomly wins. Use hashtag #forsouthdakota2am.

  • By 9am: Post a photo on Facebook or Twitter page of a morning breakfast event held to kickoff South Dakota Day of Giving. It just needs to include excited people, a cup of coffee, and food, and use hashtag #forsouthdakotabreakfast for the win.

  • By 12 noon: Post a photo on Facebook or Twitter of any costumes incorporated into the South Dakota Day of Giving fun. Use hashtag #forsouthdakotafashion. One nonprofit randomly wins.

  • By 2pm: Post an update about campaign progress on Facebook or Twitter, either total number of donors who have given or the amount raised so far. One nonprofit randomly wins. Use hashtag #forsouthdakotaGIVES.

  • By 6pm: Post a video update about progress on Facebook or Twitter and how much fun you’re having. Remind people to give. One nonprofit will randomly win. Use hashtag #forsouthdakotaprogress.

  • By 11pm: Post a photo of your tired team on your Facebook or Twitter, with a last chance to give to your organization. A nonprofit will randomly win. Use hashtag #forsouthdakotatired.

Prizes to be awarded after South Dakota Day of Giving

Prizes will be awarded for the following:

  • Most creative hashtag you integrated into social media posts

  • Most creative way a Day of Giving campaign is announced on a marquee

  • Most creative way an organization uses to collect contact information from donors and prospective donors – phone, address, email or other contact important to the organization

  • Most effective campaign to recruit volunteers

  • Most unique partnership between a nonprofit and business

  • Most unique engagement of an elected official to promote a Day of Giving campaign

  • South Dakota Golden Ticket Award for filling out—completely—the online reporting form