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The Adam L Thompson Foundation

Adam was a fun loving young man who loved tacos and was always smiling. On May 23, 2012 at the age of 16 Adam died in his Baltic home with no clue as to why. Adam's family soon learned Adam went into Sudden Cardiac Arrest and died due to an undetected heart condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Since that day, Adam's family and friends have turned their tragedy into life saving training, education and screenings for the communities in South Dakota. The Adam L Thompson Foundation provides free CPR kits and AED's to schools and businesses in South Dakota. The Foundation also provides free heart screenings to kids - the screenings would have clearly shown Adam's heart condition. Unfortunately, the reality is that heart conditions in young people rarely have symptoms - often the first "symptom" is death. The Adam L Thompson Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest through CPR training, AED education and Young Heart Screenings.